Micans in Stockholm for a meeting regarding the full-scale experiment FEBEX
Andreas Bengtsson presented microbial analysis methods for participating partners of the international full-scale experiment FEBEX. The project has been running for over 20 years and simulates a final repository for high level radioactive waste.
The project is being conducted by the swiss nuclear waste organisation Nagra that also is coordinating the analyses and tests. Under a swiss alp top deep in the mountain lies Grimsel Test Site where a steel canister has been buried and surrounded by bentonite clay. Inside the canister where the radioactive waste would have been placed in a real situation, heaters have been installed that simulate the heat generated by nuclear decay. Now the repository has been excavated and the analysis program is well under way. Micans will analyse microbial activity and survival in the bentonite clay.
FEBEX during excavation in May 2015. Click on the picture for more info. Photo: Nagra